the last century, the most important source of energy for the human economy has
been oil. We hear all the time, not the least from my blogs, about the
environmental costs, including global climate change, of our oil dependence.
And while it may seem like a distant memory even to those of us who lived
through it, dependence on foreign oil has caused immense economic and
geopolitical instability. It has taken decades for America to get to the point
at which we import less oil than we produce, but we still use a lot of foreign
oil. And we spew a lot of carbon into the air.
I wish to address now is the immense toll of injustice that comes from our
dependence on oil. Oil is a highly concentrated source of energy, both in terms
of the number of calories of energy per volume and in the concentration of oil
resources in specific geographical areas. In contrast, sunlight shines more or
less evenly on the Earth’s surface. Although some places in the world are
cloudier than others, and places far to the north or south get significantly
less sunlight, solar energy is broadly distributed. The same is almost as true
of wind energy. Low-level geothermal energy (which can be used to stabilize
indoor temperatures) is also widespread, although only a few places have really
hot rocks near the surface that can allow steam turbines to produce
electricity. The fact that oil is concentrated in a few places means that
whoever controls those places (whether governments or corporations) has an
immense amount of geopolitical power.
it is not necessarily the people who live in those places who have the power.
Americans from all over what is now the United States were forced into what is
now Oklahoma, mostly in the nineteenth century, so that white people could have
their land. The white-dominated government of the U.S. supposedly had a constitution,
but whites broke every treaty with Native Americans, in complete disregard of
the constitution as well as the most basic concepts of dignity and humanity. Then,
much to the consternation of the government, oil was discovered on Indian land.
While in some cases (as with the Osage tribe) this meant wealth for the Native
Americans, what it usually meant was that whites decided to take Native land by
any means necessary or imaginable, to treat Natives like vermin, as nothing
more than impediments to oil production. By and large, having oil land has been
a curse to Native Americans. I am speaking from the viewpoint of Oklahoma,
where I was born and where I live, and the experiences of my Cherokee
you want to know about the many devious ways in which whites illegally took
Native American land and oil rights, the most definitive source remains Angie
Debo’s And Still the Waters Run: The
Betrayal of the Five Civilized Tribes. It is about how the land promised
and then allotted to Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Muskogees, and Seminoles
was stolen from them (us) during the twentieth century. Lies and forged
documents were routinely used to defraud tribal members. The courts appointed
“guardians” to take care of the supposedly simple-minded Indians; these
guardians would then sell or rent the allotted land and keep all, or most, of
the money. In one case, a guardian had 51 Indians under his control. Three of
them were children who held title to very productive oil land, but the guardian
did not tell them about it. They were living in a hollow tree and begging for food
when a conscientious state government agent found them. In this one case, the
“guardian” had his privileges taken away; but this rarely happened. And this
“guardian” never went to jail. Jail was for drunk Indians, not for the whites
who defrauded them. And even today, prison is mostly for poor drug offenders,
not for financial crimes committed by the rich, with an occasional exception
like Bernard Madoff.
it wasn’t just fraud that whites committed to get oil land from Indians (and
from freed slaves within the Indian nations). It was also murder. The whites
would trick the Indians (some of them children) to making them the heirs, and
then they would kill them. In Glenn Pool (now called Glenpool, right down the
highway from my house in Tulsa) whites dynamited two black Muskogee boys while
they slept to get their land. Glenn Pool was the massive oil deposit that made
Tulsa famous. In Choctaw County, the next county over from the place where I
work, whites killed Choctaws with carbolic acid or ground glass (put in their
food to make them bleed to death from the inside) in order to get their land.
I read this, on page 200 of Debo’s book, I could not do or think about anything
else all evening, just devastated by learning about this. For those of you who
think that the last time that whites massacred Indians was at Wounded Knee in
1890, think again! Everyone has heard about the four little black girls who got
burned in the church fire set by white arsonists in the 1960s, but has anyone
ever heard about those two little black boys in Glenn Pool? At least my
ancestors were only defrauded, not murdered.
point is that nobody has ever defrauded or murdered anyone else in order to get
a choice spot for putting up a wind generator or a solar collector. There will
never be a Koch Brothers of solar energy.
it any wonder that so many Native Americans (and Native American freedmen) are
so demoralized? Especially the ones who still live in their own ethnic
communities. The white governments of the United States and of Oklahoma have
driven them into the ground. Toxic waste sites are often near communities of
color; and in Oklahoma, that means Native American communities, such as the
Cherokee-Quapaw town of Picher, which drips with toxic metal contamination.
would expect to see Native American rage over these things, but the
steamrolling of Native pride by white culture has been so complete that Natives
are in some cases embarrassed to not be white. What should Native Americans do?
There is no clear answer. In his 1970 novel The
Ordeal of Running Standing, Thomas Fall wrote about a fullblood Oklahoma
Indian who tried to be white and use the powers of the white economy against
rich whites, failed, and then did a useless but heroic act of defiance against
the overwhelming white powers. (If you want to know what it was, you have to
read my review in the previous blog entry.) But nothing like this ever happened
or ever will. The Indian nations are conquered now and forever. And oil was part
of the reason.
I said, I speak from Oklahoma experience. But anyone who listens to the news
knows that rich people (some of them black) get even richer from the lucrative
oil reserves in Nigeria, while the poor black Nigerians live in desperate poverty.
And today the struggle continues in Ecuador, where oil companies take some land
from the native tribes of the Amazon, and pour their wastes on the rest of it.
El Oriente of Ecuador (east of the Andes) is the new Oklahoma.
away from energy-dense fuel sources is essential for the ecological and
economic future of the world, and also so that, at long last, justice can be
done in the world. Oil is just too much of a temptation; it makes evil people
destroy their fellow humans.