I could change human nature, one of the things I would do is to hit the reset
button on religion. Religion is the powerhouse behind some of the worst things
in the world. It is at least part of the inspiration for the Israeli strikes
this summer against Palestinians (and so far Palestinians have been almost the
only casualties in the conflict), as well as the inspiration behind Palestinian
rockets fired into Israel as well as
the way the Palestinian militias have put civilians directly in the line of
fire. The only thing that Palestinian militias and the Israelis agree on is
that Palestinian civilians should get killed in the name of religion. And here
in America, there are a lot of people who at least act as if the gospel is
where Jesus said you should accumulate assault weapons and be ready to use
them. And as the previous blog essay indicated, a lot of religion is just a
scam. I wish I could hit the reset button.
starting over might allow the good aspects of religion to grow back. If there
is a God of love, then this power might be able to find greater expression.
There are many loving Christians (and Jews, and Muslims, and Buddhists, etc.)
but the people who use religion as a justification for hatred crowd them out
like tender seedlings among gigantic weeds.
suspect that religion is inherently illogical and cannot have a reasonable
basis. But suppose I am wrong. If there is a true God of love, then our minds
ought to be able to reasonably choose that God and that religion. One of the
main reasons this cannot happen now is the religious part of most people’s
minds is filled with religious junk that we have inherited from previous
millennia. If we could just hit the reset button and make a reasonable choice
about what form our religious instinct should take…maybe Christianity would
more closely resemble what Jesus said than what violent conservative Christians
believe we should say using His Name as a justification.
over. Time to get back to real life.