In the previous entry, I wrote about the reservoir of
rage in rural Oklahoma against anyone who stands for the teaching of evolution,
teaching about global warming or any other environmental issue, or racial
equality. And I correctly indicated that this rage is found in only a small
percentage of the people.
But a small percentage can ignite a mass wave of
hysteria. The examples I cited last time, especially the St. Bartholomew’s Day
Massacre, are famous. And even if they do not ignite hysteria, a small number
of people can wreak havoc if they have and use guns, which, as I mentioned, the
Confederacy of rural Oklahoma certainly does, though they have so far chosen
not to use them. And, as any of the numerous recent shootings indicate, all it
takes is one person.
Yes, all it takes is one person. My example is the man,
Steve Raucci, who carried out 62 acts of vandalism, including terrorist acts
(setting explosives on people’s cars and trying to burn down their houses), in
Schenectady, NY. Ira Glass tells his story on the “Petty Tyrant” episode of This American Life. Even
though the police and most of the people who were repeatedly victimized
knew who was carrying out these terrorist acts, the police could not even get a
warrant, not even to search the man’s office at a public middle school (an
office that belonged to the taxpayers), until someone secretly recorded a
nearly complete confession from the terrorist. Until that complete confession
was placed in evidence, the people who worked at Mt. Pleasant Middle School
were helpless, unless they had their own guns, which were not permitted at
work. Raucci even had a bomb in his office, ready to use. His gripes were
personal, not political or religious; imagine what he would have done if he
thought himself an agent of God!
This is why I do not want to openly pursue, other than
this blog and on Facebook, the story of the rural Oklahoma armed Confederacy. I
will not campaign against it where I live. If any Confederates should decide to
take violent action against me, there is virtually nothing I could do to stop
them. They could spray-paint my house, or try to burn it down, they could put
bombs on my car, and law enforcement would be unable to stop them. (And
perhaps, based on my observations, some
law enforcement agencies would not try.) Steve Raucci did all of these things
to his victims, without law enforcement being able to even investigate him
other than to record anecdotal observations. I strongly believe Campus Security
officers where I work are doing and will do whatever they can to investigate
some instances of crimes already committed against faculty on our campus, but
their powers are limited.
So, I have chosen to tell you all about the rural
Oklahoma Confederacy and the potential dangers it poses, but I am not going to
start any actions against it, even speaking out in public, except in these blog
and Facebook outlets. I feel like a Syrian unable to say anything bad about
Assad, or a Russian unable to say anything bad about Putin. I merely point out
that the same situation exists in America, though it is not enforced by the government
as it is in Syria and Russia.
Of course, the NRA would say that I could get lots of
guns and have them ready to hand at any time and wherever I am. This is in fact
what one NRA spokesman said regarding the Charleston church shootings: if the
people in church all had guns, they could have stopped the shooter. He was
seriously suggesting that people take their guns to church. I cannot have guns
at my workplace, a university. I am certain that our enrollments, already low,
would drop disastrously if the Oklahoma state government instituted (as has
been proposed) a policy for professors to have firearms in class. Students
would, rightly, fear for their safety in such an environment. And as for my
home or on my person at other times? I’m not saying whether I am armed or not.
But I am certain that such a defense is, or would be, imperfect.
As I wrote before, rural Oklahoma crawls with people who
are angry and delusional enough that they could, if they chose, use guns
against people who disagree with them about evolution, global warming,
environmental issues in general, or racial equality. So far, they have chosen
to not do so. And we cannot really protect ourselves against them. The story of
Steve Raucci proves this.
I also published this essay on my evolution blog.