depressing to live in the South. Sure, there are pockets of economic and
societal vibrancy, such as parts of Tulsa, such as Ft. Worth or Houston or
Atlanta. But for the most part the South is a quagmire of stagnant depression.
The only outlet for this depression is occasional anger, which they recently
exhibited by pushing Donald Trump into the White House. He preached a Gospel of
Anger, and the south whooped and hollered and passed around the beer. The only
other time I have seen southerners inspired to excitement was when they drive
around with huge Confederate flags flying from the beds of expensive trucks,
before parking them beside their shacks.
many of them, driving around in big trucks even without flags is a source of
excitement, especially if the truck payments are more expensive than their
rent. The trucks give them a feeling of power many of them have in no other
South used to have a sense of purpose. The Confederacy was inspired mainly by
one idea:
right of states to have slavery. When Southerners lost the Civil War, they
never got anything to replace their passion for slavery.
is not just poverty, although much of the poverty comes from the inability of
southerners to care about working reliably. It is depression.
saw examples of depression as I walked across town yesterday.
I saw garbage piled up in their yards. Not everybody’s, but approximately every
third or fourth house in Durant, Oklahoma, where I live. There is nothing about
being poor that requires all this garbage. The garbage is a message to the rest
of the public that they hate other people almost as much as they hate
(Image from City of Durant website)
they let their dogs run loose and attack other people. One man sat on his porch
and watched his dogs run an entire block to attack me. Fortunately, the dog
repellant spray worked. There is nothing about being poor that requires people
to let their dogs run loose and attack people. It is just a message to the rest
of us that they hate us almost as much as they hate themselves.
what do they do with the little bit of money that they get, either from
poorly-paid and irregular work, or from public assistance? A woman sat out on
her front porch and talked loudly into her cell phone, not caring who would
hear. She said they would have lots of money saved up if her husband didn’t go
out to bars all the time. He could just get drunk at home and save some money.
So not only do white trash men hate themselves, they foist this hatred on their
wives too. (Maybe if I’d listened longer I would have heard her talking about
their lousy sex life. But I figured I’d better keep walking.)
have nothing to live for but God and the Confederacy. But to them God is not the
source of love but the idol around which they rally, a war god they believe
will vanquish all the white liberals and descendants of ex-slaves whom they do
not like.
can this ever change? The inertia is too great.
is the Bible belt where most people are creationists. I saw an advertisement
for a movie, “The Truth about Dinosaurs,” in Bristow as I drove through on
Sunday. It is, I can only assume, a darkumentary about how evolutionary
scientists are all liars and are damning our souls by making us believe
dinosaurs lived more than 4000 years ago. Whom are they trying to convince?
Most people in the South already believe the Earth is only 6000 years old, and
dinosaur fossils resulted from a flood 4000 years ago. The creationists already
rule everything in Oklahoma. What are they trying to accomplish? They just want
to proclaim that they are God’s truly chosen people who are the only ones who
know the truth. They want to hate the non-creationists, most of whom live
outside of the South.
that bite other people, trucks that run over other people: this is the only
glimmer of enjoyment that many southerners have.
and having lots of kids. Not taking care of them, spending time with them to
show them how to care about their neighbors. The mothers may do this, but the
fathers are too busy driving their trucks around. One man parked his truck in
my yard, so I had it towed away. He threatened me with violence, and said he
needed his truck because he had five kids. His kids were not an expression of
love but an excuse for aggression.
down in depression, acutely aware that slavery will never come back, and told
by their preachers that they are God’s chosen people, Southerners will never
change. Red state confederates sit around and live off of welfare provided by
blue state tax dollars. And they are just fine with it.