Friday, October 29, 2010

Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (12). Fragile Beauty

Life is such a fragile thing, which is why it can so easily be lost. The candle beside my desk is a perfect balance of wax and oxygen at high energy, from which carbon atoms release painful light. A puff of breath disrupts the flame. The wick, instead of spreading the wax thin to the embrace of the oxygen, now smolders. How slight is the difference between a burning candle and a candle that has just gone out; how slight is the difference between a person moments before, and moments after, a gradual death.

Yet the network of life on Earth is very strong, and will outlast not just each human but all humans. The network of human relationships is also very strong, and outlasts the shifting winds of fortune. This is what we will learn from the final entry in this series, which is coming soon.

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