fundamentalists depict Darwin as some kind of monster. But, as explained by
French scientist Pierre Jouventin (in his book The Hidden Face of Darwin), this cannot be true, because Darwin was
a good man. First I give the quote in French, then a partial translation.
de conseiller l’abandon ou l’élimination des plus faibles, il allait jusqu’à
encenser une civilisation où l’on protège “les idiots, les estropiés et les
malades”! Darwin ne se contentait pas de l’écrire, il pratiquait
quotidiennement la charité chrétienne sans pour cela croire au paradis comme
son épouse. Les témoignages et les biographes concordent pour reconnaître que c’était
un homme de bien, bon fils, bon époux, bon père de famille, ami fidèle et
tolérant (comme l’il a montré avec Wallace et Fitzroy pourtant opposés à ses idées
sur l’évolution de l’homme), préférant ses enfants et ses recherches aux
honneurs et à l’argent, aimant passionément la nature, les plantes et les
animaux, un être extrémement sensible qui a abandonné ses études de médecine
pour ne pas voir couler de sang, assister aux dissections et entendre crier les
patients, ému par les misères et les souffrances du monde humain aussi bien qu’animal.”
from counseling the abandonment or elimination of the weakest, he went as far
as praising a civilization in which one protects “idiots, cripples, and sick
people”! Darwin did not content himself with writing; he practiced daily the
Christian charity without believing in paradise as did his wife. Researchers
and biographers agree in discovering that he was a man of good, good son, good
husband, good father of the family, faithful friend and tolerant (as he showed
with Wallace and Fitzroy even while they opposed his ideas about human
evolution), preferring his children and his research above honors and money,
loving passionately nature, plants and animals, a being extremely sensitive who
abandoned his studies of medicine so that he would not have to see blood
flowing, or assist at dissections, or hear the cries of patients, touched by
the misery and suffering of the human as of the animal world.”
Remember that Jesus said that you can tell a good person by what he or she does: "By their fruits you shall know them."
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