Saturday, March 10, 2018

Jesus is Now Irrelevant to Evangelical Christianity

Jesus is Now Irrelevant to Evangelical Christianity

When I started this blog, I intended it as a serious examination of religious issues. Mostly this meant separating the big questions of life from the doctrinal details that fundamentalists use to grant themselves power and authority. To go from “God exists” to “believe everything Pat Robertson says” leaves out a few steps.

But, increasingly, this does not matter. As I have noted, fundamentalist Christians have pretty much lined up behind Trump, and they believe what he says and does what he tells them without even thinking about it. No matter what an agnostic might say, it doesn’t matter, because God and Jesus are totally irrelevant to what the evangelical churches now stand for.

Clear lines are being drawn. After his State of the Union message, Donald Trump said that if someone did not clap for him, it was treason. The fact that the constitution defines treason differently from Trump does not matter; Trump’s definition is the one evangelical Christians now use. And the constitution prescribes the death penalty for treason.

The Republican Party and evangelical Christianity are coming very close to being a personality cult of Donald Trump. We hope that guns will not be brought to bear on those who refuse to go along with this personality cult. But where is the evidence? What is to stop it? Who is to stop it? So far, no prominent Republicans, and no evangelical churches or groups, have stood up to Trump. This is exactly what happened in the 1930s in Germany when the National Socialist party became a personality cult for Hitler.

The Bible at least was honest about the sins of the rulers of Israel and Judah. In stark contrast, Republicans and their evangelical devotees will not admit that Trump has any faults.

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