Saturday, October 13, 2018

Cynicism for Fun, Health, and Profit, part six: War

In his 2012 book The End of War, John Horgan explained that it is really possible for humankind to bring all war to an end. Of course, he did not consider this to be very likely. Here is a quote that indicates that there could be an end to all war, if the United States decided to seek this goal. But it is also extremely unlikely that the United States will ever do this:

“We claim to revere peace and human rights—and yet we keep embarking on unnecessary wars, in which we treat alleged enemies and even civilians cruelly. We pay lip service to the principles of national sovereignty and international law while secretly carrying out deadly commando raids and drone attacks around the world. We sell weapons to other nations, and to their adversaries. We prop up dictators if they let us build military bases on their land, exploit their cheap labor, or sell us their oil and other resources at low prices. We are guilty of shameless hypocrisy. If we practiced what we preached—if we showed through our actions that we recognize how wrong war is—we Americans could lead the entire world to an enduring peace.”

This was back during the Obama administration. Things are even worse now under Trump who is best known for antagonizing even our allies. It is clear to everyone that we will never stop selling arms to dictators and terrorists, even when these arms come back to take aim at us. America profits—or, at least the American corporations who control the federal government profit—from keeping the world on the brink of war.

War in Yemen, 2018, from New York Times

This is yet another part of a cynical viewpoint of life, but one that can allow us to be healthy and happy. We need to simply accept the fact that the world will never embrace peace and prosperity, and then make preparations for living as well as possible despite this fact. I can’t do anything about the world, but just about my own life, work, and relationships.

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