Tuesday, October 1, 2019

We Can Only Hope History Does Not Always Repeat Itself

On June 30, 1934, Rudolf Hess said, “One man remains above all criticism, and that is the Führer. This is because everyone senses and knows: He is always right, and he will always be right. The National Socialism of all of us is anchored in uncritical loyalty, in a surrender to the Führer.”

All you have to do is substitute “Trump” for Führer, and remove the reference to National Socialism, and you have the very sentiments of Trump’s followers today in 2019. Not, of course, of most Americans, or even most Republicans, but of Trump’s true believers who may be willing to do for Him what the Nazis were willing to do for the Führer. Remember that the Nazis had the same human nature as the rest of us.

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