Thursday, July 4, 2024

Will America Celebrate July 4, 2025?

Of course we will. But it might be a profoundly different kind of celebration.

Donald Trump consistently refuses to recognize the legitimacy of ANY election that does not go in favor of Him or His Chosen Followers. He says any election (or court case) that He loses is fraud. And His Christian devotees agree with Him totally on this point.

Whether Trump wins or loses in the November election, He will declare Himself the legitimate ruler of America. If He loses the popular and electoral votes, He will urge His devotees to take swift and decisive action against the American government, as He did in 2021. Only this time His followers can inflict much more damage. If He wins, He may not permit any more free elections. The reason is simple. If He considers all elections that do not confirm Him to be the winner to be frauds, He will have to establish a system (such as they have in places such as Russia) in which it is impossible for Him to lose. This will be, of course, against the constitution. So He will not proclaim Himself permanent president. Instead, He will proclaim Himself permanent Steward—that is, taking care of America during the time in which an election that He recognizes as legitimate can take place. This would be a temporary situation, but “temporary” could mean many years.

It is possible that on July 4, 2025, Americans will know that there is no real choice in what they will continue to call democracy. But most Americans, believing Trump to be the Chosen of God, will be just fine with it. But most other countries in the world will recognize that America will no longer be a democracy.

Meanwhile, where I live in France, many people are upset about the strong showing of the political right wing in French elections, happening this week. Mainstream and liberal French fear what will happen if Marine LePen’s National Rally party gains control. But Marine LePen would be considered a moderate Republican in America. She more closely resembles Liz Cheney or Nikki Haley than Donald Trump, in terms of policy and attitude. She resembles John McCain, whose very memory Trump detests and will not tolerate, more than she resembles Him.

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