Thursday, March 26, 2015

When Religion Is Really Just Politics

A brief post as I get ready to teach a class.

Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president. He was born in Canada. The Constitution says that the president must be born in the United States. But apparently Cruz and many other Republicans believe this does not apply to them. In contrast, the “birther” contingent is still powerful within the Republican Party: they consider that Barack Obama is not really an American despite the fact that he was born in Hawaii. Clearly, many Republicans do not consider themselves bound by the Constitution.

Cruz made his announcement at Liberty University, which is the pulpit of the late Jerry Falwell. For both Cruz and Falwell, God’s work on Earth consists entirely of whatever the conservative wing of the Republican Party decides it wants to do.

Christianity is sort of irrelevant to all of this. The only relevant connection with religion here is that Republicans consider themselves to be the chosen people of God upon the face of the Earth.

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